BEIJING: Basic Information and My Experience

Welcome to Beijing, the vibrant capital of the People’s Republic of China, boasting a population of 21.5 million. As the nation’s second-largest city, it holds the key to China’s political, educational, and cultural realms. Historically, it served as the seat of the Ming and Qing dynasty emperors, a legacy visible in its wealth of historical sites, government institutions, and cultural landmarks.

The city, marked by its flat terrain and arid climate, features concentric “ring roads,” guiding your journey around the metropolis. Three hills in Jingshan Park offer a rare elevation amidst the surrounding mountains. While hutongs once defined Beijing, modernization has ushered in broad boulevards and contemporary structures, creating an expansive urban atmosphere.

Beijing stands as a symbol of China’s political influence, hosting official buildings and embassies. Rich in history and culture, especially within Ring Road Two, the city has undergone rapid modernization, enhancing institutions and work conditions.

Beijingers take pride in their city, embodying a “Great Beijing-ism” attitude, particularly interested in politics and current events. Despite initial reservations, many find them friendly and straightforward. With over 20 million residents, including a significant migrant population, the city borders Hebei Province to the north, west, and south, and Tianjin to the east.

Air pollution has been a longstanding concern, primarily due to industrial production, coal burning, automobile exhaust, and Gobi desert dust storms. Winter exacerbates the issue with an inversion layer trapping pollutants. Tourists are advised to monitor the air quality index for necessary precautions.

Beijing’s water supply is monitored, but opting for filtered or bottled water is recommended. Sanlitun emerges as the epitome of Beijing nightlife, with a legacy dating back to the 1990s. Bars, nightclubs, and a vibrant atmosphere make it a must-visit for those seeking entertainment and a respite from daily life. Explore the heart of China’s past and present in the dynamic city of Beijing.

MY EXPERIENCE. Beijing was my second trip to China with a model agency contract. There was 2013. This time my mother agency was a Slovak agency through They first found me a contract to work in India, Mumbai ($1000 per month plus %), but I chose good and known for me China, but this time – Beijing, “Royal Models” agency. And again for the % rate contract.

It was already March-April. I decided for myself that I want to work as a model again in China, and live that carefree life again! Also for 3 months. And I tell you in advance. This time until the end of the contract.

The apartment and modeling agency were located near the Taiyanggong metro station. 3-room apartments. 2 people per room. Pocket money 400 yuan per week. In general, everything is usual and standard.

Our agency had its own driver and its own minibus, in which we traveled through Beijing traffic jams from one casting to another. Sometimes, due to long distances, 2-3 castings could take up the whole day!

I was the oldest among the models. They were all about 20 years old, and some were 17-18 years old! And they always wanted to have fun and indulge! Sometimes they could barely get up to castings and was drunk in our minibus after a night of clubbing.

These young models, both boys and girls, often went to the popular 7/11 stores in China to grab something to eat. I didn’t understand why they did this, but almost all of them liked to steal! Even though they had pocket money from our agency, they still tried to steal some cookies, chips or something else just for the sake of adrenaline!

I didn’t support them in this, and even said not doing it, but they didn’t care! Someone started, and others began to repeat. That’s was the problem.

Club life began to occupy all our attention very quickly. Despite the movement with castings, we still had not much work. And in the clubs we could earn real money. To do this, we just had to hang out there and that’s it.

These were the most popular clubs in Beijing at that time – “Elements” and “Spark”. The PR people of these clubs came up with a whole set of rules that had to be followed in order to get work from them.

Firstly, we had to be a model in one of the Model Agencies from their list. Secondly, we had to express a desire to work for them, and sign up for the list of models who want to work. Third, it was necessary to hang out at the club for 2 days for free, in order to work another 2 times during the week with salary of 250 yuan per party. In time it was from 22:30 to 01:30, that is, 3 hours!

Model table, drinks, and everything else it was without restrictions and free! That is, just party! dance! and rock it! And there were no more rules! Hang out with other models, meet whoever you want! dance, or just stand near the table and create movement! And there were always a lot of people who wanted to hang out like this and get some extra money!)) Yes, it was small money, but everyone gladly used this chance to earn this little extra money!

Alcohol flowed like a river! Beer, champagne, Baileys, whiskey, sambuca, tequila – everything was mixed, and no one came out of there sober! But oddly enough, I always remained the most sober in my company. Probably because I danced a lot! And everything came out immediately through a sweat!)) We was always collecting a few people came back home together after the parties so taxi became cheaper for everyone!))

There was also a special day on Friday when all the models were fed for free at the 5-star “Gallery Hotel”, and there was a buffet, and the food there was gorgeous! All types of meat, red fish, and all kinds of other dishes, and delicious sweets! Sometimes it seemed that some models were waiting for this day to eat for several days in advance! 😀

There was also a pizzeria for the models, which worked according to the same scheme as “Gallery Hotel”. That is, we ate there for free, and then went to hang out without salary to the club, usually it was an “Elements” club.

At this club, the PR manager, a girl with whom I talked a lot, began to help me to get more job. That is, instead of 2 paid parties, I managed to get 4 in one week! 🙂 She said that she wanted to help me quickly earn money for a new camera!))

And I must admit, by the middle of my contract I was able to upgrade my old lens, and buy a good portrait lens, flash, and booster for my Canon EOS 40D! At that time it was still a good technique! And then I’ve photographed many major events for the “Elements” club.

We also visited and hung out in such clubs as “VICS”, “MIX”, “Club Latte”.

There was also another case when I took a risk and left Beijing for a left-field job for 3 days in another city! It was a modeling and clothing show. I did this work secretly from my agency. And I earned 2800 yuan. That was somewhere around $450!

I told to my agency that I was sick and went to the hospital in the Russian YabaoLu district of Beijing. They didn’t really believe me, or rather, they didn’t believe me at all. But there was no choice. And my trick rang out! I came back with money. And they just gave me a warning that if I do this again, they will send me back home. I said ok and didn’t do it again. But most likely because there were no more such options))

Over the entire period of time I have done only a few works from the agency, no more than 5 for sure. One of them was a photo advertisement for sport suits. And the client’s manager gave me his business card so that I could work with them directly. I even went to their office afterwards. But their next shoot was planned for July or August, and I had to fly home at the end of June at the end of my contract.

So this my second trip turned out to be more successful than the first to Shanghai. Yes, I didn’t bring any money either, but I did update my photography equipment! and most importantly, I realized that I won’t go work with a percentage contract again! Because it’s unreal to make money like that!

The era of freelancing was already nearby, and only during that time I began to earn good money regularly! In 2014-2020 years, when I moved to Shenzhen… 😎

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